Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which, according to practitioners, a “universal energy” is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient, to encourage emotional or physical healing.
With Reiki you will be able to:
✔ Heal yourself with Reiki Energy
✔ Balance & Activate all your Chakras
✔ Heal others even those who are not present physically in front of you
✔ Protect yourself from any negative energies around
✔ Manifest your goals – health, wealth & prosperity
✔ Charge your crystals, stones etc
✔ Influence your children’s behavior
✔ Give a new direction to your life
✔Kick Start your career in Reiki
✔ Kick Start your career in Reiki
✔ What is Reiki
✔ Can Reiki Harm Us?
✔ How does reiki heal?
✔ Why does our life energy deplete?
✔ Things that deplete our life energy
✔ How to see the life energy / Aura?
✔ What are the benefits of Reiki?
✔ History of Reiki
✔ Reiki Hierarchy
✔ Principles and Rules of reiki
✔ What can be healed with reiki
✔ Understanding our Mind.
✔ How our thoughts are made and controlled?
✔ Emoto Water Experiment
✔ Ways to clean Aura naturally
✔ Cleaning Aura with Reiki (cupping & combing)
✔ Local body part aura cleaning
✔ How often should we clean Aura?
✔ How to improve Reiki flow?
✔ What is the main purpose of healing?
✔ Precautions before you start healing
✔ How to call reiki and close after healing?
✔ How to start reiki flow?
✔ How to create a reiki shield for ourselves and others
✔ Healing yourself 24 positions
✔ Healing yourself 12 positions
✔ How to charge water for healing?
✔ Maintenance reiki
✔ Group Healing meditation
✔ Reiki for plants
✔ Basic Course
✔ Detailed study of all Major Chakras.
✔ Introduction and detailed study of Reiki Symbols
✔ Cleaning Aura with Symbols
✔ Cleaning Aura with crystals
✔ How to make reiki symbols
✔ Symbol Meditation
✔ How to call reiki and close after healing with Symbols
✔ How to start reiki flow with symbols
✔ How to create a reiki shield for ourselves and others using Reiki Symbols?
✔ How to charge water for healing with Symbols?
✔ How to protect and charge your room with reiki?
✔ How to protect and charge your car etc with reiki?
✔ How to purify and charge crystals?
✔ Maintenance reiki with hands with symbols and crystals
✔ Making a wish box for money, health or any other intention.
✔ Group Healing meditation
✔ Distance Healing
✔ Ways and Methods of distance healing
✔ Process and Complete details of distance healing.
With Reiki Level 3 attunement you will get attuned to the higher cosmic energies that will open you to another level of healing for yourself and others.
You will be able to accomplish goals, heal others, heal yourself at soul and spiritual level. You can co create and reinvent your life path.
At , we will take care that you understand and absorb the essence of all higher techniques.
📌 Doing intense and deep meditation on your chakras.
📌 Heal cronic diseases with psychic surgeries.
📌 Remove effects of black magic
📌 Karmic healing
📌 Family healing
📌 Past life healing
📌 Crystal Grid to accomplish your goals and wishes(9-21wishes together)
In Reiki, Attunement is the most pure process, where the master transfers energy to the client. The energy level of the client depends on the energy level the master has.
In mastership, you learn how to attune Reiki level 1,2 and 3.
📌 Deep Meditation
📌 Detail about why attunement is important.
📌 Introduction to 3 new symbols that will help you to attune others
📌 Different types of attunements
📌 How to attune Reiki level 1,2 and 3
📌 Hands on practice
Being a Reiki Grand Master doesn't mean that you only have to heal or teach Reiki. It's your responsibility to counsel your client and try to understand them. It is your duty to guide your client and help him learn right or wrong.
At, the end, you will learn how to counsel your clients and balance them. You will also learn how to attune till Grand Master ship.
Atfer this course you will be able to take Reiki as a career and heal the one in need
📌 How to know your client?
📌 Why listening is important?
📌 Counselling your client
📌 Introduction to 3 New symbols to bring wisdom, prosperity and love in your life.
📌 Deeper Meditation
📌 How to attune clients from Karuna Reiki to Grandmastership level
Above all, you will get tips and guidance on how to start a career with Reiki.
Preeti Singh is an Internationally Certifiedexpert healer, Astrologer, and an efficient teacher who has show the right path to many individuals.
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